Frequently asked questions

Q: Where are you located?

A: We are located off of Starling Drive at The Wellness Village.

Our address is 1404 Starling Drive Suite A Henrico, VA 23229. There is ample parking across from our building.

Q: I’ve never had a massage before, what should I expect?

A: Massage is so amazing, and we are so glad you are considering us for your first massage experience! All of our massages are thoughtfully customized to your individual needs and goals for each session. Literally all aspects of the massage, from techniques to pressure and everything in between, are customized to you! If anything ever makes you uncomfortable (i.e. the pressure or temperature of the stones, etc), please let your massage therapist know right away! We are always happy to adjust as needed to make sure it is the perfect experience for you.

Q: Can I work out after my massage?

A: We generally recommend less strenuous activities following massage, like yoga, walking, or just relaxing with a warm epsom salt bath!

Q: When should I arrive for my appointment?

A: For your first session, please arrive 10 minutes early. If you arrive earlier than 10 minutes prior to the start time of your appointment the door may be locked & we may be with another guest (please see our COVID-19 policies). For all other visits following your first session, arrival 5-10 minutes before your appointment is recommended.

Q: How frequently should I get massages?

A: Everyone is different and has a unique set of circumstances. We can help you decided what works best for you (in terms of frequency and duration) after your initial session with us. Generally though, we recommend once a month for general wellness and relaxation purposes.

Q: I’ve never had cupping, and want to try it…but how long with the cupping marks last?

A: Cupping is so wonderful for so many reasons, check out our blog post to learn more about it! Typically marks last anywhere from 3-7 days following a cupping session. This will vary by individual depending on many underlying factors, such as circulation, degree and status of health, medications, injuries, capillary density, hydration, nutrition; other extrinsic and intrinsic influencing factors. Things you can do to speed up the active recovery phase of marking is to drink plenty of good water, nourish your body with nutrient-dense foods, and dry brushing.