Retrograde Reflections

We often hear about retrogrades as a warning but what if we looked at them more as an invitation. Retrogrades give us the opportunity to reflect on old patterns, go deeper in exploring varying themes of self and be able to undo old patterning.

When we hear a retrograde is coming we can switch the narrative. Think of retrogrades as internalizations of individual planets and the lessons they can provide. For each planet in retrograde find 3 major themes this planet highlights. For example the most common planet we hear about is Mercury, which rules communication, adaptability and the receptivity of information. So when we can break down the themes that will be highlighted during the retrograde we can then work with them to reprogram how we personally relate to those these.

So here are some reflective questions you can work with during retrograde season for each planet.


How do I best communicate my needs and how comfortable do I feel doing so?

What is my relationship to my past and what doors can I close there?

Where can I explore more intellectual growth?


What is my attachment style?

What is my love language?

How do I show up in relationship and how does that serve me and my potential partner?


Do I trust my instincts, why or why not?

What is my relationship like with anger?

How do I further develop my inner warrior?


How can i develop my spiritual practice?

Where do I want to cultivate more growth?

What personal journey am I on and how can I better support that journey?


What is my relationship to my inner father?

What is my relationship like to my work?

How can I better work with time and energy?


Where in my can I bring in more innovation?

What needs sudden change or transformation and how can I find the bravery to do that?

Where can I be more experimental?


Do I trust my intuition and why?

What is my relationship to subconscious thinking?

Where can I find more romance?


What parts of myself are being denied or ignored?

Are their deeper themes of self or traumas that need healing?

How can I better embrace my shadow self?

When you hear of any of these planets are going retrograde, take the time to reflect on these questions. Watch the themes as they arise, see how you can work with them rather than fear them. Think of these times as opportunities for personal development.


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