Astro Tarotscopes for August


Astro Tarotscope Remedies for August

Read your Sun sign and Rising Sign for a complete view!

Aries (3/21 - 4/19) - The World - You may be in a state of reincarnation. We live multiple life cycles within one life cycle. You are in a transitionary time now. You are putting to bed old versions of self and inviting in more of your truth. This is an exciting time, you will be able to recreate and reimagine your world. This is a time to decide what you want to carry into this next life cycle. Be discerning and diligent. You know what you want, this is your invitation to get it. Try getting a Tarot Reading if you need guidance during this time. 

Taurus (4/20 - 5/20) - 9 of Swords Rx - With Uranus going retrograde in Taurus at the end of August many of you will feel it directly. There is some big internal shifts happening for you Bulls, you may feel like you are reprogramming the way your mind works. From now until January you will be asked to do some major self reflection and realization, be aware of any messaging that comes through for you. Clear your mind so you can receive the prophetic downloads that Uranus often brings. Book a lymphatic drainage massage to keep those energy channels clear. 

Gemini (5/21- 6/20) - 4 of Pentacles Rx - Gemini, what does security mean to you? How do you create a strong enough sense of self that no matter what external forces rock your world you are able to stand firm through it? This month is a time to practice resilience and grounding. As one of the mentally strongest signs in the zodiac you have so much power in your form of thinking. You can create the world you see in your minds eye. Its time to start visioning what that world looks like. Try an Ancestral Healing Session to help you vision the world you want. 

Cancer (6/21 - 7/22) - Wheel of Fortune - The Goddess Fortuna is blessing you this month. Watch for fated events, meetings and encounters. You may be in the right place at the right time a lot. Trust your intuition and the Wheels of Fate to bring you all you have been working for. Remember that life always works in cycles, what cycles can you nourish this month? Try CranioSacral Therapy this month to feel the balance of the universe inside and out. 

Leo (7/23 - 8/22) - 5 of Cups Rx - A return to self, core principles, home, family and ancestry might be beneficial this month. Take sometime to nourish the internal landscape and wade through your emotional rivers. What thoughts, feelings or themes are no longer yours to carry? What intergenerational healing have you completed? What stories can we let go of? And most importantly, how can we love ourselves so deeply that everyday feels like romance? This is your work this month Leo, maybe enjoy The Empress to help you express self love. 

Virgo (8/23 - 9/22) - King of Cups - Virgo, you are reaching a new peak of emotional maturity and stability. You may have made some breakthroughs last month and now you are ready to lead from a heart centered place. Your community may be looking to you to lead by example this month, but don’t worry you are up for it. Be proud of all the systems you have put in place that have helped you reach some emotional soundness. You are being admired by your community this month. Bask in it. Take sometime to reward yourself with a massage this month. 

Libra (9/23 - 10/22) - Knight of Cups - You are starting a new journey of healing, intuition or emotional leading this month. This month will be full of trial and error and learning. How incredible to be in a space where you can see yourself growing daily. This time might move quickly but it will feel abundant. If you come to any crossroads, sit in and answer to your intuition, it is at its peak. You will receive messaging from spirit this month, keep your eyes and heart open. Good things are coming. Maybe sign up for the Shtriga Mentorship to help you find routine and ritual on this journey. 

Scorpio (10/23 - 11/22) - The Sun Rx - Scorpio, out of all the signs you do best in times of darkness and in facing shadows. This month you may have to call upon these skills. The magic of Scorpio is that you are always able to see truth and that is why you do not fear the dark. There is an understanding that darkness allows us to face fears and get to know ourselves better. Our shadow is the part of ourselves we do not share, that makes it all the more authentic. Take the time to get to know yourself better this month and look to the shadow with excitement. Get an Aura Painting done this month so you can come face to face with your own energy. 

Sagittarius (11/23 - 12/21) - The Hermit - Sagittarius is the sign of the Sage, the philosopher and the traveler. Its time for you this month to go on your Alchemist Journey. Explore the world and the self in a deeper form and for the sake of learning only. Read the book The Alchemist by Paolo Cohelo, it may be reflective of the experience you are having. This is the path closer to enlightenment of self if you are ready to take it. Try a Thai Yoga Massage this month to get you into the Sage mood. 

Capricorn (12/22 - 1/19) - 2 of Wands Rx- Self reflection is the theme this month. Have you been getting to know yourself better? Bringing a lantern to the dusty parts of the mind? What have you been finding there? This is a time to embrace the alchemy of fire and earth. Stay grounded as you find new forms of fire in your soul. What gets you excited? What sparks your interest? What brings you fear? What gives you passion? Explore the fire within you. Your findings will be profound. Try The Detox this month to bring some fire to the internal body. 

Aquarius (1/20 - 2/19) - Queen of Wands Rx - There is some magic and creativity awakening inside you. Aquarius, creativity and innovation is what you do. This month you’ll have an extra spark of inspiration. See what inspires you and then see how you can take steps to bring it out into the world. Your power for manifestation is strong this month as well. Create tactile steps to start new project but also practice some manifestation rituals. The combo will have you on fire. Try The Artist to get you in the inspired mood.

Pisces (2/20 - 3/20) - Ace of Swords Rx - This month you will have an opportunity to make some decisions. You may feel called to say no a lot this month or set some hard boundaries. This is energetic strengthening work for you. You are being asked to set clear lines for yourself. This will in turn make you feel more mentally clear. You are clearing space for some magic to come to enter your world. This is your preparation time. Indulge in a massage to prepare you mind and body for the energetic shifts.


Crafting Auric Resilience


Magical Kitchen Herbs