Dermaplaning & The IndiGLOW


Our skin regenerates fresh, healthy cells every 28 to 30 days. As we mature, our skin follows suit and that regeneration process begins to slow down. While this is completely normal, you may notice that things feel more textured, less vibrant, and overall lackluster. Your typical skin health practices aren't working and it seems like no matter what you do you cannot keep your skin hydrated enough. Dermaplaning is a practice that has been used for over 40 years by estheticians, dermatologists, and plastic surgeons to encourage the revelation of new healthy skin cells. Just one treatment and your skin will be feeling as smooth as butter. Dermaplaning is a gentle, but effective form of professional exfoliation that utilizes a 10R blade to remove surface dead skin cells, vellus hair (aka peach-fuzz), and impurities from product build-up over time.

Facial hair removal isn't uncommon - in fact, we have a lot of clients tell us that they do their own dermaplaning at home. The main difference between dermaplaning at home and getting dermaplaning done professionally is the type of blade that is used. Tinkle razors are a very common blade used at home. These can be great for hair removal, but can also cause irritation and small microtears in the skin that introduce bacteria. It isn't uncommon to experience inflammation and breakouts post at-home dermaplaning. Our 10R blades are the highest quality, professional-grade blades on the market. The blade is rigid, sterile, and created specifically for the removal of dead skin cells. Getting rid of the peach fuzz is just a secondary benefit to us. Dermaplaning is extremely technical and takes years to perfect. Our in-house Master Esthetician's are fully trained to perform the service effectively, while applying a gentle and nurturing touch that makes this service easily a favorite.


We get a ton of frequent asked questions when it comes to dermaplaning and we can completely understand the questions in mind! Here are some of them:

"Will my hair grow back darker?"

Simply, no. Hair growth patterns are directly correlated with hormones, not hair removal. Besides, the hair on our face is vellus, meaning that it lacks the depth of follicles like the hair on our heads, eyebrows, underarms, and legs. Vellus hair grows back in the same as it was before the removal.

"Will I have to commit and get it done regularly?"

You will definitely want to, but no. This is a completely optional service and while we recommend supplementing with it monthly, you could do it once and then never do it again.

"Is my skin going to be sensitive after the treatment?"

Yes and no. While dermaplaning is an advanced exfoliation technique, it is non-invasive. Think of a baby's soft skin - it is healthy, soft, and smooth but you still want to protect it. We recommend doing this on a day where you don't need to apply make-up or at least 3 days in advance of a special event. We also recommend discontinuing any at-home exfoliation products for about a week post-treatment.

Our Signature IndiGLOW Facial is the perfect way to try out this amazing service. We begin every facial with a thorough consultation to make sure your skin is happy and ready. We then deeply cleanse and prepare the skin with hydrating elixirs and the highest quality of facial oils to give just the right amount of slip. We utilize warm steam towels, aromatherapy, and lymphatic compressions. We finish each treatment with a refreshing spritz of rose water and hydration customized to your skin's desires. We book this treatment at 30 minutes - making it the ideal way to "dip your toes in".

We are so excited to share our love of dermaplaning with you. Book an IndiGLOW facial for the month of January and receive 20% off!*

We are confident that you will enjoy it just as much as we do.

*The discount will be applied at the time of your service.

Written by Kristen Smith, Lead Master Esthetician & Skin Health Therapist


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