Reframing Your Story with Tarot


Tarot is a healing modality. Tarot gives us a mirror to be able to see ourselves in an unbiased way, this gives us the agency to reframe and rewrite any story we may be holding onto about ourselves. Think of this blog post as a mini workshop to help you recreate the story of self and flow into your highest direction with intention.

Often when I pull cards for myself I ask, “Tell me a story.” This allows me to see the story that I am unconsciously creating in my reality. This is an expansion of that idea.

Follow the steps below to recreate and rewrite the story you have about yourself.

Suggested materials for this activity:

  • Journal and pen

  • Your favorite crystals

  • A Tarot deck

  • Candle

  • An object you feel personally connected to


Step One: Setting Up your Space.

If you have an altar you can do this work there. If not, thats okay. Bring in tactile items that help you connect to your ancestors, your spirit guides and your higher self.

These can be textiles, crystals, candles and anything you personally feel connected to, especially in relation to your spiritual practice. This is an incredibly personal experience, there is no right or wrong here. It’s whatever feels good for you, whatever your intuition asks you for. I always like to bring something to feed the spirits. Rose Water, Fire (light a candle) or some type of fruit. You can also add photos of yourself, journals or any piece of yourself that you are letting go of or a part of yourself you want to honor more.

Step Two: Opening Circle

Once your space is set up and you have your tools, it’s time to drop in. First begin by just noticing yourself. How are you feeling today? I often like to answer this question with one of the Elements. Example: Today I feel like Fire. You can begin to call in the energy of Fire. Imagine it, name it and it's characteristics. Then see what other Element you can call in to balance yourself. Do you need more Air? Water? Earth? All of the above? Name them, Imagine them, Connect to them. For example, if I need more Earth, I might imagine myself throwing logs on a campfire.

Again this is personal. There is no right or wrong. Listen and trust yourself. Also notice if you need to do anything to get yourself feeling in tune, a movement practice , breath work, listening to music. This won't always be the case but if it is, take the time to do it. You may need to move some stagnation to clear your channel.

Step Three: An Opening Verse

Take a moment to close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Imagine you are encapsulated in a bright light. When you are in this light you are safe, held. Now bring a piece of that light to your third eye. Ask your spirit guides to bring you a symbol to work with during this practice. You can use this symbol like a "home button", something to come back to. Once you have your symbol begin your verse.

Eventually this will be a personal poem you say before your practices to bring you safety and connection. For now you can use this one I will provide, feel free to tailor it to your practice.

"I call in the power of the four directions to bring me sight.

I open my circle to beings of high vibration.

I call in my ancestors. my higher self and spirit guides for protection and direction.

I cast out any spirit or energy that does not have well being in mind.

I bring in messages and spirits of high vitality,

I thank the guides that show up today.

The circle is open."

For those that are more visual you can always draw symbols or images that give you a feeling of connection and protection.

Step Four: The First Card

Start by mixing the deck. Do this in your own way. You can speak to the deck as you mix. This first card will bring you the archetype your highest self is embodying in this time. As you mix, you can focus on the symbol brought to you in the beginning of this practice.

When you are ready, Draw your first card but do not look at it. Hold it between your palms and close your eyes. Focus on your symbol. And see what senses you get about the card. Note the colors, the feelings, the energy. Do this for 3 minutes. Write down everything you get from the card.

Flip the Card over. For the next 15 minutes, study the card and write. This can be stream of consciousness or more elaborate poetry or prose. If you'd prefer to draw your experience of the card you can do that too. But get it all out. If you get stuck come back to your symbol and listen.

Ask questions like:

What Archetype does this card embody?

What is the energy of this person?

What is their emotional world like?

How do they interact with others?

How do they honor themselves?

How do they show up in the world?

What wisdom does this person have?

What do they need to know to learn or to grow?

If there is no person on the card, then what is the energy of the card? If there is more than one person, name all the characters. And name who you are in that scenario and who the others are as well. Name the relationships with all beings in the card.

Step Five: The Second Card

Keep your first card out in front of you. You aren't finished with it yet. Mix your deck again. The same way you did the first time. This second card will bring you to the setting. The environment. This is how you affect your environment and how your environment affects you.

Once you are ready to pull, bring the card between your hands again. Close your eyes and focus on your symbol. Allow any messages to come through about the cards. This is a practice to build your intuitive connection to the cards. Notice if the card gets hot or cold, notice if it wants to take you someplace else. Do this practice for at least 3 mins. Write down all you get from the card.

Flip the Card over. For the next 15 mins study the card and free write. Again be as creative as you want with this. Remember this card is bringing you the setting of your story.

Some questions to ask:

Where in the universe am I?

What is the energy of my environment?

How is the environment affecting me?

How am I affecting the environment?

Take notice of the symbols in the cards, any associations they bring up. Take notice of the number on the card. What does that number mean to you? Create a complete view of your world.

Step Six: The Third Card

Line your second card next to your first. You now have your characters and your environment. Begin to shuffle your deck again. You are now looking for the crest of the read. The Situation. The Heart of it. Why is everyone here in this place? Bring your third card into your palms. Intuit some meanings of the card. Bring in all the questions of before. Get its energy out. Write down whatever comes, for at least 3 minutes.

Flip the card over when you are ready. Study the card and write again for 15 mins. Think of the idea of conflict and solution. And remember that nothing is inherently good or bad. Conflict is the tunnel to resolution, to growth and to joy.

Ask some questions:

What part of your journey are you on?

Is this the beginning, middle or end of a journey?

What are you doing here?

How are you being here?

What is the energy and texture of the situation?

Where is there room for celebration, gratitude joy?

Where is there room for change or growth?

Study the symbolism of the cards as well. See what associations they bring up for you.

Step Seven: The Weaving

Its time to weave this all together. Take a look at all your separate parts. How do I braid this into cohesion? Look at the similarities. Identify the differences. The parts that fit like a puzzle and the parts that don't. Notice if any numbers repeat, symbols or suits. Elementally is this a story of Fire? Air? Earth? Water? Use all you know to intuit the conclusion (if there is one). Spend 30+ minutes here. Write your story. Your first draft. A poem, a prose, a story or a visual art piece. Paint the Energy you see.

You are the storyteller, the spellweaver, the creator. What is your story?

Step Eight: Closing Circle

Once you feel you have completed your work and you are ready to put the cards away, its time to close circle. Closing and opening circle are very similar. They are ritual practices to create clear boundaries between you and the energies you work with. Its a form of psychic maintenance. It is even more crucial when working with others. It ensures you won't be holding anyone else’s energy with you when you leave.

Put your deck back together in one single uniform pile. Begin to close your eyes again. Take a moment to imagine yourself covered in that bright light. After particularly tough readings I like to take a few moments here and run that light up and down through my chakra center, to make sure I am fully illuminated. Once you are in your light its time to thank the spirits and allow them to rest.

"Thank you, Ancestors, Guides and Spirits,

for working with me,

for guiding me,

for your protection.

I close this circle for us all to rest.

I leave only with my energy attached to me.

I am protected.

I am safe.

I am strong."

Begin to gather and clean your space. Put everything back neatly and with respect. Once you feel it is complete, you have finished your work for today.

Feel free to repeat this practice as often as you need it. Its a powerful tool to remind us that we all have agency in our lives. We can recreate our personal perception and our inner workings. We can create impermeable joy and stability that is not affected by the external. You are full of power.


Written by: Liridona Duraku, an herbalist, intuitive and ancestral guide living in Brooklyn, NY. You can book a virtual reading or healing session with Liri through Indigo. She also offers mentorships on creating a spiritual practice all your own. Visit our website to learn more about her services and book a session with her!


Astro Tarotscopes for July